What's a scent strength?
Now, you may be wondering what is a scent strength? What is a cold throw? What is a hot throw? WHAT DOES ALL OF THIS MEAN????? Well in this blog I will put your burning flames out.
Our candles creates two kinds of scent throws: Hot and Cold. The hot throw is what your candle smells like when it is lit. The cold throw is what your candle smells like without being burned.
Each candle we produce has a listed scent throw with different levels: Strong, Smooth, and Soft. Check out the meaning behind each level below to pick your perfect candle match!
Strong: This scent level is a show stopper. These scents are in your face. These scents are good to fill a medium or large room easily.
Smooth: This scent level is very subtle. These are good for when you just need a moment of peace. These scents are good for small to medium sized rooms.
Soft: This scent level is kind of muted. You only smell it in passing. These scents are good for small rooms, placing around the tub for some relaxation and definitely romance.